Chair Burns announced Agenda Item 25-059: Bi-annual Report to Town Council
Chair Burns turned it over to staff for a presentation.
Kelly Driscoll, Planning Manager, gave a presentation to the Commission on the
agenda item.
Chair Burns brought it back to the Commission for any questions/comments of
Some questions/comments included the following:
For presentation at the end of March, the Bi-annual Report materials are due
March 11, 2025, so any suggestions for changes could occur up until the Planning
Commission meeting scheduled to occur March 5, 2025.
Feedback from Town Management regarding Bi-annual Report presentation.
Summary of accomplishments to include cases considered by the Planning
Commission to include quantity and type.
Mission, Goals, and Tasks of the Planning Commission.
Composition of the Planning Commission.
Guidance provided through the Criteria of the UDC and through the goals &
visions of the Comprehensive Plan.
The possible amount of Land Use Cases to consider in the future and the
consideration of updates and amendments to the UDC.
Scope of purview and role of the Planning Commission outlined in the UDC.
Role limitations placed on the Planning Commission through the Municipal Code.
Actions of the Planning Commission and the possibility of litigation.
The business of Erie Planning Commission compared to other Municipalities.
Possible observation of the practices of the Town Council and other Planning
Commissions in order to possibly implement possible changes for more efficient
procedure for deliberation.
“No Votes” with the inclusion of an explanations of the specific reasons why
a “No Vote” was cast. Applications receiving a “No Vote” grounded in the
application not meeting the applicable Criteria which could potentially involve
the Comprehensive Plan and its reference to the Public Good and Welfare of Erie
Deliberation of cases involving requests that are in-line with current Zoning,
but perhaps are not in-line with the Future Land use Map.
Potential for the Planning Commission to recommend changes to Criteria of
The Commission thanked staff for the presentation and update.
Kelly Driscoll, Planning Manager, reported on the following:
APA conference March 29,2025 through April 1.
Training possibilities: ULI occurring in May and CML upcoming in a few
Reminder to complete Security Training.
Vice Chair Laws reported on the following:
He is retiring from the Planning Commission as of the end of tonight’s
meeting and thanked his fellow Commissioners for his experience while serving.
Chair Burns reported on the following:
Thanks Vice Chair Laws for his service and he is sorry to see him leaving.