SUBJECT: General Business
Board of Trustees 2019 Work Plan
DEPARTMENT: Administration
PRESENTER: Town Administrator
Discussion and Direction
PURPOSE: The Board of Trustees desires to conduct a Retreat on Sunday, January 13, 2019 to develop a Work Plan for 2019. Staff has developed a proposed agenda and draft materials for the Retreat. Staff wants to (1) confirm the agenda and draft materials reflect the Board's interests for the Retreat, and (2) ask the Board to identify any tentative issues and/or projects the Board wants on the tentative list for consideration and prioritization during the Retreat.
2019 Work Plan
In his book The Advantage, Patrick Lencioni, states,
"Among the actions the leadership team must take to promote organizational health is to regularly ask, "What is most important now?" Most organizations have too many top priorities to achieve the level of focus they need to succeed. Wanting to cover all their bases, they establish a long list of disparate objectives and spread their scarce time and energy and resources across them all. The result is almost always a lot of initiatives being done in a mediocre way and a failure to accomplish what matters most. This phenomenon is captured best in that wonderful adage, "If everything is important, nothing is." There is no way employees can be empowered to fully execute their responsibilities if they don't receive clear and consistent messages about what is important from their leaders across the organization. There is probably no greater frustration for employees than having to constantly navigate the politics and confusion caused by leaders who are misaligned."
With this in mind, the Board of Trustees has scheduled a Work Plan Retreat on Sunday, January 13. To clearly identify the Board's priorities during this Retreat, the Town Administrator suggests this eight step appro...
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