SUBJECT: Consent Agenda
A Resolution of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Erie Declaring Erie a "GoEV City" and Pledging to Implement Strategies to Reduce Transportation-Related Emissions
DEPARTMENT: Public Works
PRESENTER: Tyler Kesler, Sustainability Manager
Approve the Resolution to declare the Town of Erie a "GoEV City" and pledge to implement strategies to reduce transportation-related emissions.
In November 2019, the Board of Trustees approved the Sustainability Master Plan (SMP), a coordinated roadmap and approach that includes goals to increase sustainability in energy use, transportation, waste, recycling, and composting, and increase education and outreach for all sectors. This Plan reflected other community master plans (such as the Town's Transportation Master Plan and Water Conservation Plan) and has served as a guiding document, framework, and decision-making tool for subsequent planning and programming efforts (Energy Action Plan and Drought & Water Supply Shortage Plan).
A complementary goal of the SMP focuses on opportunities that directly enhance the Town's overall sustainability by leveraging resources and supplementing those resources where necessary to ensure equitable access to sustainability measures for all of the community. This includes those resources available at the county and state levels. In support of multiple SMP Strategies (T7, T8, T9, T10, EO2, EO3, EO4, EO6, EO7, EO8, EO9, EO10, EO11, EO12), the Sustainability Advisory Board (SAB) recommended the Town adopt an Erie-appropriate GoEV Resolution. Staff and the GoEV Program Coordinator presented a draft to the SAB at its meeting on December 1, 2021. SAB Members supported the resolution and the Town's commitment to equitable electrification of the transportation system.
The attached Resolution incorporates all of the local policies, strategies, and programs designed to adv...
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