SUBJECT: Consent Agenda
A Resolution Of The Board Of Trustees Of The Town Of Erie Approving The Fourth Amendment To Fifth Interim Agreement Between The Municipal Subdistrict, Northern Colorado Water Conservancy District Windy Gap Firming Project Water Activity Enterprise, And The Town Of Erie Erie Water Activity Enterprise For The Windy Gap Firming Project
DEPARTMENT: Public Works
PRESENTER: Todd Fessenden, Director of Public Works
Cost as Recommended: $666,667.00
Balance Available: $666,667.00
Budget Line Item Number: 500.70.110.605000.100005
New Appropriation Required: No
Approve resolution authorizing the Mayor or Town Administrator to execute the referenced Amendment and authorizing Staff to expend said funds.
The Board of Trustees previously approved agreements with the Municipal Subdistrict on July 23, 2002, February 11, 2003, August 10, 2004, January 24, 2006, December 11, 2007, June 9, 2009, June 22, 2010, January 10, 2012, August 28, 2012, March 25, 2014, October 28, 2014, January 12, 2016, August 10, 2017, and January 23, 2018 to participate in the Windy Gap Firming Project (WGFP). The Town of Erie owns 20 units of Windy Gap water, 6 of which it acquired in 2017.
Windy Gap water is desirable for the Town of Erie because the water is fully consumable (i.e., available for total consumptive use, augmentation, reuse, sale of effluent, etc.) and because it is deliverable through the existing Northern Colorado Water Conservancy District (NCWCD) Southern Water Supply Pipeline Project and the Town of Erie's pipeline. The WGFP has always been contemplated as a component of the Windy Gap Project, and there are 13 participants in the WGFP. The WGFP is necessary in order to provide additional storage to firm the annual yield of the Windy Gap water rights.
The first, second, third, and fourth phases of the WGFP are complete, and the fif...
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