SUBJECT: General Business
PUBLIC HEARING: A Resolution of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Erie Approving the Westerly Filing No. 1, Amendment No. 1 Final Plat and First Amendment to the Westerly Filing No. 1 Development Agreement and Accepting Dedications as Shown on the Final Plat
DEPARTMENT: Planning & Development Department
PRESENTER: Shannon Moeller, AICP, Senior Planner
TIME ESTIMATE: 15 minutes
only required for non-consent items
Approve Resolution 21-147.
The Westerly property is located south of Erie Parkway and east of Weld County Road 5.
The Dearmin Property was annexed into the Town of Erie as the Horst Property in 1990. At that time the owner anticipated the property to be used as a landfill site. The pre-annexation and annexation agreements that outlined the landfill requirements for the property were terminated in 2017 when the Town rezoned the property from Rural Preservation 3 to LR-Low Density Residential, NMU-Neighborhood Mixed Use and AG/OS-Agriculture/Open Space.
A Sketch Plan was originally reviewed for this property in 2017 and then an updated Sketch Plan was reviewed in February 2019. The Board approved a rezoning, PUD Overlay and Preliminary Plat in 2020 for the Westerly property.
The Board approved the Westerly Filing 1 Final Plat in January 2021. It platted a portion of the Westerly Preliminary Plat and totalled 311 lots and 27 tracts across 268.11 acres. The lots included a mix of single-family front load, single-family alley load, duplex alley load, and townhome alley load. The tracts included alleys, landscape, drainage, and utility areas, open space, pocket parks, and areas for future open space dedication and future development.
Section 10.7.7.D.8.b of the UDC allows for some minor amendments to Final Plats provided that they are substantially similar to the approved Preliminary Plat. Section 10.7.2.K of the UDC...
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