SUBJECT: Consent
A Resolution of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Erie Approving the Town Public Works Director's Termination of Involvement in the Keep It Clean Partnership and Associated Intergovernmental Agreement
DEPARTMENT: Public Works
PRESENTER: Tyler Kesler, Sustainability Manager
TIME ESTIMATE: 0 minutes
only required for non-consent items
Approve the Resolution to terminate IGA with the Keep it Clean Partnership.
In 1999, the Watershed Approach to Stream Health (WASH) Project was initiated by a group of stormwater professionals in the Boulder St. Vrain Watershed. The Town of Erie decided to join the Keep it Clean Partnership (KICP) as a party to the agreement in 2013 alongside six other local agencies. This action was to prepare for upcoming Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permits issued by the State and to use common tools to reduce the cost of meeting the future MS4's.
The scope of work was expanded in 2017 to include outreach, stormwater and watershed resources. Town of Erie staff is now able to manage the MS4 Permitting internally and is not seeing tangible benefits to remaining involved in the Partnership.
The Town of Erie continues to provide residents with safe high quality drinking water, release effluent from our wastewater treatment facility that meets or exceeds our permit requirements and will continue working collaboratively with regional partners to reduce impacts to our watershed. The KICP educational resources have been made public and can be used open-sourced by anyone who has been issued a MS4 Permit. Resources previously spent on the KICP annual dues will now be directly spent on the Town's local and regional stormwater and water quality efforts and KICP resources will be used at no expense.
Fiscal Impact: Total annual savings of approximately $13,000.
Board Priority(s) Addressed:
* Safe and Healthy Commu...
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