SUBJECT: General Business
PUBLIC HEARING: A Resolution of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Erie Making Certain Findings of Fact Regarding the Proposed Annexation of the Real Property at 12166 Jay Road to the Town (Lafferty Annexation)
DEPARTMENT: Planning and Development
PRESENTER: Chris LaRue, Senior Planner
SUMMARY AND BACKGROUND OF SUBJECT MATTER: The subject property is located on the southwest corner of the RTD rail line and the future Jasper Road alignment. The applicant requests annexation to the Town of Erie for 39.665 acres of property, and initial zoning to “LR”-Low Density Residential for the property. In addition, the applicant also requests consideration of a Special Review Use Application for Temporary Agricultural Uses Until the Property Develops. If annexed by the Town, the property will undergo future subdivision applications for residential uses consistent with the proposed LR zoning. The property is within the Town of Erie’s growth boundary, and is recognized as being within the Low Density Residential land use on the Comprehensive Plan. Annexation of this property will continue development within the Town as envisioned by the Comprehensive Plan and consistent with the surrounding area.
This resolution makes certain findings of fact regarding the annexation.
1. Resolution
Exhibit A
2. Staff Report
3. Applicant Materials
4. Staff Presentation
5. Notice