SUBJECT: Consent Agenda
A Resolution of the Town Council of the Town of Erie Approving a Development Agreement and Accepting Dedications as shown on the Final Plat for the Erie Highlands Filing 18 Subdivision
DEPARTMENT: Planning and Development
PRESENTER: Harry Brennan, Senior Planner
Staff's analysis indicates the proposed Development Agreement (DA) and proposed dedications are consistent with Town Charter, Municipal Code, and the Council's priorities. Approving the Resolution and Ordinance will confirm Council's agreement with staff's analysis and conclusions.
Approve the Development Agreement and accept the dedications shown on the Erie Highlands Filing 18 Final Plat subdivision.
The Erie Highlands Filing 18 Final Plat is the last residential filing of the Erie Highlands neighborhood. The Filing is located in the eastern portion of Erie Highlands, at the cross streets of Glacier Drive and Highview Drive. The project finalizes 116 townhome lots that will among other things, help Erie Highlands fulfill its Housing Diversity Requirement from the UDC. This application is also consistent with the previously approved Erie Highlands Preliminary Plat No. 5.
The Development Agreement (DA) includes standard Town of Erie requirements to develop the site as well as exhibits outlining phasing and cost estimates for the public improvements the developer will install. These improvements include streets and sidewalks, right-of-way landscaping and irrigation, utilities, and private improvements with public importance.
The Development Agreement reflects provisions negotiated by Town staff with the Town Attorney's counsel and the property owner, Clayton Properties Group. The DA includes, among other typical Town language, provisions addressing fees and public improvements, including reimbursements to the Town for public improvements.
Site History and Prior App...
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