SUBJECT: A Sketch Plan Review of Erie Highlands Planning Area 10.
A Sketch Plan application for 132 dwelling units in a townhouse housing type.
DEPARTMENT: Planning and Development
PRESENTER: Hannah Hippely, AICP, Senior Planner
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: N/A; See staff review comments and attachments
SUMMARY AND BACKGROUND OF SUBJECT MATTER: A Sketch Plan application for 132 dwelling units in a townhouse housing type on approximately 10.89 Acres.
A Sketch Plan represents a generalized land use plan and layout for the area proposed to be included within a subdivision. A Sketch Plan application is required to allow for an early, informal evaluation of a proposed subdivision before detailed planning and engineering work has occurred.
19-013 Staff Memo
19-013 Staff and Agency Comments
19-013 Application Materials
19-013 Sketch Plan Map
19-013 Planning Commission Minutes