Subject: Consent Agenda
A Resolution of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Erie Approving a Payment to Badger Meter for the Purchase of Water Meters
Department: Public Works
Presenter: Todd Fessenden, Director of Public Works
Fiscal Information:
Cost as Recommended: $826,000, $240,200
Balance Available: $826,000, $240,200 (w/supplemental appropriation)
Budget Line Item Number: 500-70-110-603000-100001,
New Appropriation Required: No
Staff Recommendation:
Approve Resolution approving purchases of water meters from Badger Meter
Summary and Background Of Subject Matter:
The 2022 Capital Budget includes funds to purchase new and replacement water meters. At the January 26, 2016, Board of Trustees meeting, the Board directed staff to upgrade all water meters to the new Beacon smart meter system. This new technology allows water users to monitor their usage during the month and the new system also will automatically transmit data to the Town’s billing system. This process is scheduled to convert all existing water meters over 10 years and allow for the smart meters to be installed in all new construction. Some of the benefits of the smart meters include:
• Online and Smart Phone access to your water consumption information to improve your understanding of water usage patterns and billing
• Set alerts to email and/or text you when a potential leak is detected
• See the results of your conservation efforts within 24 hours
• Monitor your usage through the month to better budget what your bill will be
The following is an update on all the components to make this program successful:
Project Progress/Schedule (dates subject to change)
• Utility Billing Upgrade - Upgrades to the Utility Billing System to receive the usage reads automatically each month (complete)
• Public Notification
o Media Release - Staff includes information regarding the meters in various publications
o Door Hanger - Staff places a door hanger on the homes of all replacements advising residents (including new construction) after a smart meter is installed. This door hanger explains the new meter system and how to access the data should they choose to
o Website Page - Staff has a web page on the Town’s website (<>) where residents can learn more receive information regarding the smart meters
o Replacement Lists - Staff has developed a list of meters that are scheduled for replacement each year. COVID-19 has delayed this a little; we hope to be back on track soon. In-house change outs are on hold until after COVID. Pit meter change outs have resumed with limited staff.
• Developer Notification - As mentioned above, when a smart meter is installed at a new construction site, the developer receives a door hanger for that address. They may choose to relay this information to the new homeowner.
• New Home Owners - Staff includes information regarding the new smart meters in the New Home Owner Welcome Packet.
When staff orders meters for stock, we don’t know if when that meter is installed, it would be used for a new install or a replacement. Therefore, staff transfers the full budget for new construction to the replacement meters line. At the end of the year, staff lets Finance know how many new meters were installed to apply that cost to the new construction account.
Fiscal Impact:
The 2022 Capital Budget includes $356,000 for replacements and $240,200 for new installations. Due to the continued COVID-19 and supply chain challenges, we have approximately $470,000 in unspent funds for 2021. We order the meters in batches as we need them (and as they are available) due to only having so much storage space. Since we are behind on previous year’s change outs, this amount is expected to be reappropriated to 2022 in the first supplemental to complete the backlog of change outs in 2022. Estimated total cost for 2022 is not to exceed $1,066,200.
Board Priority(s) Addressed:
ü Prosperous Economy
ü Safe and Healthy Community
ü Effective Governance
ü Environmentally Sustainable
ü Fiscally Responsible
1. Resolution 22-01