SUBJECT: Consent
A Resolution of the Town Council of the Town of Erie Approving an Amendment to Agreement for Professional Services with RockSol Consulting Group, Inc., for Construction Management Services for the County Line Rd Roadway Improvements
DEPARTMENT: Public Works
PRESENTER: David Pasic, Public Works Director
Wendi Palmer, Civil Engineer
First Name, Last Name, Title
Cost as Recommended: $ 95,500
Balance Available: $144,808
Budget Line Item Number: 300-70-110-605000-100212
New Appropriation Required: No
Approve the Resolution to amend the contract.
The Town applied for a Safer Main Streets Initiative funding opportunity that was jointly sponsored by Denver Regional Council of Governments (DRCOG) and Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT). The project the Town applied for will improve safety, access, and connectivity along County Line Road from Telleen Avenue to Cheesman Street. DRCOG and CDOT approved the Town’s funding request in the fall of 2020, and this project is currently under construction.
On May 25, 2021 the Board of Trustees approved an intergovernmental agreement with the State of Colorado to administer the federal funds. CDOT administers federal transportation funds for the State of Colorado. This project is in CDOT Region 4.
After CDOT executed an option letter on July 19, 2021, authorizing $425,000 for the design phase, the Town advertised for a design consultant, and subsequently awarded a Professional Services agreement to Sanderson Stewart.
CDOT has extensive requirements for oversight during construction. Additionally, they do not allow the design engineer to provide inspection and construction management services. Consequently, Town staff advertised for a Construction Management firm to provide plan review, inspection, testing, assist with public relations and provide project oversight meeting CDOT’s requirements. RockSol Consulting Group, Inc. has been chosen to provide construction management for this project.
RockSol has done an excellent job assisting the Town with the County Line Road, Roadway Improvement Project. Due to complications with easement acquisition, a delay in bidding the project, working around utility conflicts and accommodating various project challenges, the scope of work and time for completion has exceeded the original agreement. Additionally, due to Xcel not having their power poles removed, the project completion will be delayed until next spring.
To remain in compliance with CDOT requirements for project management, staff requests an amendment to extend RockSol’s agreement for construction management services. Staff has worked with RockSol to estimate the additional hours needed to oversee the project and complete all the required CDOT paperwork to close out the project. RockSol estimates that it will take an additional $95,500 to complete all required tasks to complete the project.
Fiscal Impact:
Base Amount $257,382.20
Contingency Amount $ 32,172.80
Amendment Amount $ 95,500.00
Total New Contract Amount $385,055.00
Staff recommend approving the Professional Services Agreement Amendment for construction management services to RockSol Consulting Group, Inc.
ü Engaged and Diverse Community
ü Prosperous Economy
ü Well-Maintained Transportation Infrastructure
ü Small Town Feel
ü Safe and Healthy Community
ü Effective Governance
ü Fiscally Responsible
1. Resolution No. 24-175
2. Professional Services Agreement Amendment
3. Additional Fee Request